ESG in Life Sciences

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Life Sciences companies have long been held to a high standard on responsible operations and the relation between profit and motive.

And as a result of the sector's clear contribution to public wellbeing, a strong stance on ESG has in the past been seen as optional, additional, or more important for other sectors.

Now, all areas of the economy are expected to excel.

And added to an already heavily regulated sector are a new set of standards and metrics which investors, the industry, employees and the public will use to judge company value and long term social, environmental and financial stability.

Given the sector's high-stakes reputational environment, companies who fail to meet heightened standards can face backlash.

In a sector dependent on talent acquisition, partnerships, and a good standing within capital markets, strong ESG performance can have major strategic benefits.

Though their societal benefit is clear, the stakes for UK Life Sciences companies are high.

And compared to other sectors, relatively little attention has been paid to ESG.

The report features a breakdown of key ESG focuses for different areas of the sector, outlining where companies could excel, and what they stand to gain from strong ESG reporting and communications.

If you have any questions about the insights or would like to learn more about how we can help you meet reporting requirements, please get in touch by emailing us at 

 About Sillion 

Sillion is the leading transition consultancy, offering in-depth insights and strategies to help FTSE100 companies effectively utilise sustainability communications and position for competitive advantage. The "State of Sustainability Communications Report" provides a comprehensive overview of how UK communications leaders are preparing for the sustainable transition, uncovering the challenges and opportunities sustainability poses in the communications sector. The report comes two years after the consultancy released its guidance on communicating net zero for communications professionals.  

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