What does the transition mean
for your organisation?


Sillion allows its clients to understand and interrogate the climate transition and its strategic implications; quantify the risks and opportunities; and meet analysis and disclosure obligations - now and in the future.

We do this by combining leading financial modelling techniques, with deep transition expertise, cutting edge datasets, and established enterprise software tools.

We deliver perennial analysis tools (as the world changes, the conclusions change), with a track record of decision-useful information and strategic insight for management teams and boards.

Scenario Analysis

  • Identification and strategic exploration of the effects of the climate transition on your business. Whilst we incorporate assessment of physical risks, our focus is on transition risks - regulation, customer trends, technologies etc - as their impacts are considerably sooner and greater. The exercise aligns and engages the executive team around the issues that matter specifically to their business.

    Sillion’s process is data-enabled in its preparation, creatively and engagingly delivered, and in line with best-practice requirements of major standards setters globally.

  • The cornerstone of decision-useful sustainability analysis and reporting, Sillion is a leading provider of quantitative scenario analysis.

    Our model combines world-leading, peer-reviewed datasets and market trends with your own company’s forecasts and strategy to create a forecasting tool that is tailored to your business.

    Our offering delivers a dynamic, perennial tool - if energy and carbon price forecasts change significantly next year, our analysis adjusts, remaining accurate and decision-useful.


Transition Modelling

  • Where should your company deploy its capital to meet sustainability targets? How do you value the benefit of R&D against offsets? Are EVs or renewable energy tariffs a better option?

    Sillion’s tool combines established financial modelling techniques with unique datasets and understanding to provide decision-useful information for transitioning companies. It is also live and dynamic, as the world changes, the analysis remains accurate and pertinent.

    In addition to insights, it provides reporting required by stakeholders now and in the future - eg. decarbonisation glidepaths for bondholders, or live progress metrics for internal audiences.

  • How can sustainability be modelled in commercial terms. Our starting premise is that operating sustainability is less profitable than not. If it weren’t, companies would be doing it already.

    The positive externalities created by sustainability are understood and more or less easy to measure. But the commercial benefits they bring are indirect, and usually intangible.

    Sillion combines unique datasets and established financial modelling techniques to help clients understand how operating sustainability can bring benefit – to Cost of Capital, recruitment and churn costs, employee engagement, green product premiums, litigation risk, and more.



  • The sustainability reporting landscape still contains a lot of acronyms, but the past few years has seen real success in aligning requirements for corporate analysis and disclosure.

    Sillion has considerable experience in guiding companies through their regulatory obligations, and counts a number of global standards setters amongst our clients.

    Our modelling solution meets the requirements of these regulations, and further, proofs the business against future requirements by easily producing reporting to future standards.