Sillion’s Investor Sustainability Report

What investors want from corporates


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Growing shareholder appetite for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure has placed a new emphasis on corporate ESG performance. With investors integrating this data into their decision-making, many companies have been left scrambling to catch up with reporting requirements.

We interviewed 15 asset managers, representing a total of over £4.9 trillion AuM to form the basis of the first edition of Sillion’s Annual Investor Sustainability Report: A guide for UK-listed companies to understand what investors want from corporate sustainability disclosures and communications.  

One of the many new challenges for management teams is understanding the gap between their current reporting, and the needs of their most significant stakeholders – in particular, their investors.

Key questions that arose included: How should we report?
Which frameworks should we use? Is ESG reporting really making a difference to outcomes and cost of capital? How should we address remuneration? With limited internal resource and understanding – where should we focus our efforts?

Our study aims to help corporates navigate this apparent diversity. We pick out the common themes, helping you to prioritise your efforts. Our main recommendation? Know your audience, and approach ESG reporting strategically.

If you have any questions about the insights or would like to learn more about how we can help you meet investor expectations, please get in touch by emailing us at 

 About Sillion 

Sillion is the leading transition consultancy, offering in-depth insights and strategies to help FTSE100 companies effectively utilise sustainability communications and position for competitive advantage. The "State of Sustainability Communications Report" provides a comprehensive overview of how UK communications leaders are preparing for the sustainable transition, uncovering the challenges and opportunities sustainability poses in the communications sector. The report comes two years after the consultancy released its guidance on communicating net zero for communications professionals.  

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