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Panel event

Lost in Transition: What skills do sustainable communicators need most?

Join Sillion's panel event on October 16, where we will discuss bridging the skills gap in sustainability communications. Sign up on Eventbrite.

About the event

Now that you have set ambitious targets for the sustainability transition, the real question is: What skills do sustainable communicators need most to move the transition forward?

Communications is essential to the private sector’s transition plans, playing a critical role in engaging stakeholders, building consensus, and driving collaboration to achieve these targets.

Sillion’s State of Sustainability Communications report unveils both the challenges and the opportunities for communications teams as we move beyond setting targets to decarbonisation and impactful action. A key finding from the report highlights the significant skills gap in sustainability communications, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced specialist knowledge and skills to propel the transition forward.

To hold space for dialogue on how communications professionals can work to tackle the skills gap in sustainability communications, Sillion is gathering industry professionals on 16 October for a panel discussion.


  • Beth Knight, Senior Associate at Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership and Head of Social Sustainability at Lloyds Banking Group

  • Rochelle Toplensky, Former Bureau Chief at WSJ Pro Sustainable Business

  • David Croft, Group Head of Sustainability at Reckitt

  • Mark Funnell, Planning Adviser at National Trust

When and where

Wednesday 16 October 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Sillion offices in London Bridge.

Sillion Sustainability Comms series

This will be the second in a series of events for the Sustainability Communications community – a new and hugely important group of professionals. 3 years ago, there were few if any explicitly Sustainability Comms roles in the UK. There are now hundreds. Whether you're a sustainability practitioner with a focus on communications, or a communications professional with an interest in sustainability, all are welcome. Our aim is to support this growing and essential group, and provide occasions to meet peers and learn best-practice.

Sillion, the leading transition consultancy for communication and technical sustainability advice, serving top companies in the FTSE100, hosts this event. Whether you're a sustainability practitioner with a focus on communications, or a communications professional with an interest in sustainability, all are welcome.

By attending this event, you consent to being photographed and recorded. These images may be used for marketing and promotional purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know.