Press release

The State of Sustainability Communications

  • The survey of communications leaders across FMCG, technology, financial services, manufacturing and energy highlights FMCG and Energy feel the most confident in their leadership within sustainability  

  • Despite 76% of those surveyed finding it challenging to balance sustainability with profitability, 90% believing sustainability will be a driver for future business growth

  • With opportunity ripe for sustainability to be a competitive advantage, 95% of communications professionals surveyed state the industry requires more skills and knowledge to tackle the transition

12 June, London UK - Sillion, a leading transition consultancy, has released its much-anticipated report, "State of Sustainability Communications," shedding light on the current landscape of the industry. This research, conducted by Censuswide, underscores the critical challenges and emerging opportunities faced by communication professionals in the UK as they navigate the complex terrain of sustainability.

The report, based on an industry survey of communications leaders across fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), technology, financial services, manufacturing and energy reveals that a majority (80%) of communication professionals have intensified their focus on sustainability over the past year. However, it also highlights a crucial skills gap, with 95% of respondents stating that the communications industry lacks the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively support the transition to sustainable practices. Additionally, 74% of respondents expressed concerns about greenwashing, further emphasizing the need for skilled and transparent communication strategies.

Despite these challenges, the report identifies substantial opportunities for growth. An overwhelming 90% of those surveyed believe that sustainability will be a key driver for future business growth, and 81% cite commercial benefits as a primary motivation for integrating sustainability into business strategies. The desire for communication professionals to be integral to creating a robust business case for sustainability is evident, with 80% expressing a strong desire to play a central role in this process.

"Our report highlights the blockages that have prevented meaningful communication on sustainability," said Tom Rayner, Founder of Sillion. "The lack of skills and knowledge, coupled with fears of greenwashing, present a significant challenge. So far, this has resulted in either generic or confusing messaging. As we move from the era of commitments and into the era of action, this will be a compounding problem. Stakeholders internal and external need to understand how you navigate decarbonisation and the transition – you need to take them with you.”

The report also emphasises the importance of stakeholder engagement, with 76% of respondents noting its growing importance for gaining buy-in and ensuring the success of sustainability strategies in the next five years. However, only 42% plan to prioritize stakeholder collaboration over this period, highlighting a disconnect that needs addressing. Additionally, 72% of respondents believe that the most successful companies will be those actively listening to the voices of citizens and consumers, indicating a significant opportunity for competitive advantage through enhanced stakeholder engagement.

Sector-specific insights reveal that the FMCG and energy sectors are particularly concerned about greenwashing, with 82% of respondents from these sectors expressing this concern. Despite these worries, these sectors are also the most confident in their measurable impact, indicating a complex but promising landscape for sustainability communications.

The "State of Sustainability Communications" report identifies four major themes: the increasing centrality of sustainability in communications roles, the importance of building a strong business case, the rising significance of stakeholder engagement, and the persistent concerns about greenwashing. The findings highlight the need for upskilling in sustainability communications, enhancing interactions with stakeholders, and integrating sustainability into business models to drive future growth and mitigate reputational risks.

About the data 

The research was conducted by Censuswide with 250 aged 18+ excl. sole traders, communications leaders (i.e., DMs) (Managers level and above Job level: Business owner, C-level exec, Senior management, or Middle management) in FMCG, Technology, Financial Services, Manufacturing, or Energy sectors, in Q3 2023. Censuswide abide by and employ members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles and are members of The British Polling Council.  

About Sillion 

Sillion is the leading transition consultancy, offering in-depth insights and strategies to help FTSE100 companies effectively utilise sustainability communications and position for competitive advantage. The "State of Sustainability Communications Report" provides a comprehensive overview of how UK communications leaders are preparing for the sustainable transition, uncovering the challenges and opportunities sustainability poses in the communications sector. The report comes two years after the consultancy released its guidance on communicating net zero for communications professionals. 


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